Monday, March 7, 2011

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bígí linn sa leabharlann, i mBaile Coimín, ag 7.30pm - 9.00pm, an 10ú Márta, le haghaidh caint, ceol, agus píosa craic !
Join us in the library, to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge, at 7.30 - 9.00pm, March 10th (Thursday) for some music and fun !

Caora Deasa

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lá Fhéile Pádraic, bígí linn!

Tá trathnóna iontach pleanáilte againn don 10ú de mí Márta, ag 7.30 sa leabharlann, i mBaile Coimín. We have planned a lovely evening in the library at Blessington, March 10th at 7.30. Join us for a little of wine and some Irish farmhouse cheese, for some music and and of course, for plenty of chat!
We will be supplying the wine early in order to get you to sing. Máirín and I can't guarantee that you'll hear our heavenly voices but let me tell you that Máirín is a mean banjo player!
It'll be lots of fun, wear something green, and we'll see you there.
Beidh ceol agus craic againn le chéile, caith an seamróg agus feicfidh muid sibh ann.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Gaoth Liom Leat le Séan Ó Ríordán

Do bhuaileas leis an ngaoith is í ag dul abhaile,
Do chasas ar mo sháil is abhaile liom léi,
D'aistrigh sí treo is fágadh mé ag taisteal
Fé mhearbhall i gcás idir dhá ghaoth.

Luaigh muid cúpla file ag an ciorcál cómhrá an lá seo caite. Tháinig mé ar an dán ghearr seo agus thaitin sé go mór liom.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What a swell party that was!

Máirín and I were delighted with the number of people who joined us at the last ciorcál comhrá in the library. Go raibh míle maith agaibh ar fad, bhí sár oíche againn!
I forgot my carefully crafted vocabulary sheet (ahem) but the conversation was wide ranging as ever. In fact we had such a lovely number of people in the group that I couldn't keep track of all that was going on, God dammit. It nearly killed me mar tá mé chomh fiosrach! (I'm so nosy!) Won't speak for Máirín, but dare I say she was thinking the same thing? Editing may follow!!
Tá's ag Dia go dtaitníonn sé liom bheith ag éisteacht le ngach rud. Tá siúl agam gur bhain sibh taitneamh as an tráthnóna, a chairde nua.
Here's to our next meeting timpeall ar Seachtain na Gaeilge. Beidh tae glas againn, agus seamrógaí ar na mbrioscaí. We can serve green tea and shamrock shaped biscuits.
A huge Go Raibh Míle Maith Agat (shouty text!) to Margaret, our super duper librarian who stays late and listens to us blathering. We love all of our librarians in Blessington. Tá siad go hálainn agus igcónaí chomh cabhrach. They are lovely people and always so helpful.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anois teacht an tearrach, tá an lá ag dul chun síneadh

Fáilte róimh, a chairde.
Beidh ciorcál cómhrá ar siúl arís againn sa leabharlann, i mBaile Coimín ag 7 a chlog, 17ú Feabhra. Beidh muid ag plé gach shaghas rud. Tá muid i bhfad níos dochasach anois, there's a grand stretch in the evenings and the bulbs are peeping up.
Slán go deo le brón is buairt, ach ná leigh an alt céanna a léigh me i Vanity Fair, le bhur dtoil, gan prozac nó brandy ar a laghad.
Our troubles can melt away like candy drops, but try not to read the same article I read in the current issue of Vanity Fair, without some prozac or a strong brandy at least. We'll provide some support through the era of universal social charges. Remember, the ciorcal cómhra is free and we'll give you a cup of tea or REAL coffee (ideal for keeping you awake) and a biscuit.
Bígí linn,
Slán tamaill,
Máirín agus Sinéad