Beannachtaí na Nollag agus na hAthbhliana oraibh go léir agus ar bhur gcomhluadar, a chairde! Tá sé ag druidim isteach chomh tapaidh anois agus bíonn iontas orm gach uile bhlian an méid nach bhfuil déanta agam. Plus ca change, plus ca reste la meme.
Tá sos againn ón sneachta anois (le haghaidh cúpla lá ar a laghaid) agus beidh ceiliúradh beag againn sa leabharlann. Cúpla píog, b'fheidir gloine fíon nó dhó, agus má bhíonn an tádh linn, beidh daoine sásta "party piece" éigin a dhéanamh. What's not to love, mar a deireann se féin!
Tá muid ag ceapadh an uair seo go ghearrfaidh muid euro amháin chun costas na fíona, agus na píoga a chluadach. Is "social entrepreneurs" muid, mé féin (Sinéad) agus Máirín ach ní Bill Gates muid.
Happy Christmas to one and all! It draws in so quickly and despite all of my best intentions I remain at the same disorganised state every year. Ah well, as my Mammy says, "so much fuss, can't it all be done in a day". Mammies are great, especially west of Ireland ones, who remain stoic in the face of retail "madness". "Don't buy me anything......." etc. She has put a cap of ten euro on her present which makes it all the more difficult to buy.
Anyway enough of my guff, apparently we are on a short break from snow, so take your chances, put on your four pairs of socks, put on the layers of clothes you normally wouldn't like to be seen in and come to the library for píosa craic linn.
We have come up with a clever ploy of feeding you mince pies AND mulled wine, to warm you up for some music (from you!) Joking aside, kind of, we will have music and fun. Though Máirín and I are "social entrepreneurs", (big society and all that), we are not Melissa and Bill Gates, therefore we suggest that you might like to through in a euro to cover the costs of the wine and pies.
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